AES San Francisco 2012
Tutorial T11

Monday, October 29, 9:00 am — 10:45 am (Room 132)


T11 - Building Hearing Awareness into Audio Curricula

S. Benjamin Kanters, Columbia College - Chicago, IL, USA; Hear Tomorrow

With the increasing incidence of hearing disorders, particularly from entertainment media, it is incumbent on audio programs to begin addressing hearing awareness with students (and professionals) in audio.

Working from materials developed for the Hearing Conservation Workshop, this tutorial will give students, professors, and professionals tools to teach and learn hearing physiology, disorders, and conservation. This will include teaching techniques, graphics, and animations that illustrate principles of hearing physiology. The success of the Workshop has proven that, once taught how their hearing works (and how it breaks), engineers develop a sense of “ownership” of their ears and become concerned about their hearing health. They are then in a unique position to act as role models of hearing awareness to their clients and the music-listening public.

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TECHNICAL PROGRAM October 26th 9am ��� 7pm October 27th 9am ��� 7pm October 28th 9am ��� 7pm October 29th 9am ��� 5pm
AES - Audio Engineering Society