

SC-02-01 meeting, Online, 2022-05

Report of the meeting of the SC-02-01 Working Group on Digital audio measurement techniques, held online, 2022-05-06.

The meeting was convened by chair Jayant Datta.

The report of the previous meeting, held online 2021-05-12, was approved as written.

The agenda was approved as written.

In attendence were Jayant Datta, Richard Cabot, Paul Treleaven, John Grant, Ian Dennis, Junichi Yoshio, David Prince, Chris Lacinak, Hatano Wataru, Stephen Scott, Anthony Kuzub

Projects assigned to this group but not mentioned here had no action requested or required - see for details.

Open Projects:

AES-X217 Audio ADC test method and performance specification for archiving and preservation applications
Status: Task group (Chris L, Ian D, Rebecca C, Richard C, and Jayant D) decided to pursue this as an information document -- this flexibility allowed most outstanding issues to be resolved. The task group sought input from the committee on one outstanding issue (section 5.10: Alias rejection) and resolved to incorporate the feedback into the document. On completion, the draft would be circulated within SC-02-01 as well as SC-03-06 [Working Group on Digital Library and Archive Systems].

AES17-R Review of AES17-2020: AES standard method for digital audio equipment - Measurement of digital audio equipment
Status: Soliciting changes -- chair will solicit volunteers to form a task group to join Ian D, Richard C, and Jayant D in updating the document.

Background: Ian D uncovered a couple of items that need to reviewed (e.g., section 5.4.2 Crosstalk - AES17 doesn't include a band pass filter, so would probably be insensitive to all but very bad crosstalk; section 5.11.2 Jitter susceptibility - AES17 suggests a THD + N measurement, which would be insensitive to the effects of LF modulation at low amplitude owing to the non-selective nature of the traditional THD + N notch filter. Frequency domain filters are required)


No new liaison information.

New projects

No new projects proposed.

New business

No new business proposed

Next meeting expected to be held virtually during the week of 10-Oct 2022.