

SC-04-04 meeting, New York, 2018-10

Report of the Meeting of the SC-04-04 working group on microphone measurement and characterization of the SC-04 subcommittee on acoustics, held in New York, 2018-10-18

The meeting was convened by vice-chair David Josephson as chair Jürgen Breitlow had resigned. The working group thanked Mr. Breitlow for his service and leadership as chair, and as liaison with IEC TC100 for the revision of standards IEC 60268-4 and 61938. Introductions were made, agenda and report of the last meeting approved. The chair requested nominations for a replacement chair for the SC but no volunteers were identified.

In attendence were D Josephson, J Britto, E Brixen, H Wittek, A Pinto, G Hill, B Lin, J Berryman, J Page, R Cabot.

The introductions of attendees were made and the agenda was approved. The report of the previous meeting, held in New York was approved as written.

Open projects

AES42-R Review of AES42-2010: AES Standard for Acoustics - Digital interface for microphones
There was no work on AES-42, the status is unchanged and no new requirements for maintenance have been identified.

AES-X085 Detailed Professional Microphone Specifications
There is no progress to report on the wind measurement round-robin tests that were to have begun under AES-X085. The intent target should now be 2020 with a goal of status report in 2019. The previous phase of work in this project resulted in the Edition 6 of IEC 60268-4 which was published 2018-09-12, and IEC has expressed their thanks for work on the successful revision of this standard.

Eddy Brixen discussed the “dynamic range” specification being offered by microphone manufacturers and suggested further work toward consensus on what this means, with some makers claiming 0.5% THD, 1% THD, 10% THD or “clipping” as the upper limit, leading to specifications that cannot be compared across brands. Manufacturer members of this SC are requested to summarize the practices of their companies for definition of “maximum SPL” by email to the SC reflector and whether or not those conditions are stated in data sheets.

AES-X230: Control Data for Microphones
There has been no work on this in AES70. SC members who are aware of control mapping requirements for digitally interfaced microphones are requested to summarize the current practice of microphone control parameters by email to the SC reflector.

New projects:

There are no new projects.


Nothing to report.

New business:

There was no new business.

The next meeting will be held in Dublin, Ireland 2019-03, in conjunction with the AES 146th convention.