

SC-02-08 meeting, New York, NY, 2018-10

Report of the meeting of the SC-02-08 Working Group on audio file transfer and exchange of the SC-02 Subcommittee on Digital Audio, held in New York, NY, 2018-10-19

The meeting was convened remotely by Mark Yonge.

The formal notice on patent policy was read.

The agenda and the report of the previous meeting, held in Milan, Italy, 2018-05-24 were approved as written.

In attendence were M Yonge*, B Harris*, S Scott*, U Henry*, P Treleaven, C VanWinkle, K Ono, R Cabot (* denotes by electronic link).

Projects assigned to this group but not mentioned here had no action requested or required - see for details.

Development Projects

AES-X236 - IEC 62942 liaison, IEC 62942 liaison, Broadcast Wave Format file
Scope: Adoption of AES31-2 as an IEC standard for broadcast wave format file, with addition of optional UBXT chunk to carry international character sets.
Status: .

The Japanese experts approved the changes that the AES proposing proposed to their draft after the Milan meeting. The Committee Draft for Vote (CDV) for IEC 62942 that includes these changes was circulated, in English and French, on 2018-10-12 and closes on 2019-01-04. This CDV was posted to this working group on 2018-10-13; there were no further comments.

Open Projects

AES31-2-R Review of AES31-2-2012 Audio-file transfer and exchange - Part 2: File Format for Transferring Digital Audio Data Between Systems of Different Type and Manufacture
Scope: This standard defines a file format for interchanging audio data between compliant equipment. It is primarily intended for audio applications in professional recording, production, post production, and archiving.

Status: A draft revision for this standard was posted to the working group on 2018-09-22 that is intended to be directly compatible with the draft IEC 62942.

There were no comments on its content. The meeting proposed that this be moved towards publication as soon as convenient.

AES31-3-R Review of AES31-3-2008 (r2013), AES standard for network and file transfer of audio - Audio-file transfer and exchange - Part 3: Simple project interchange. including maintenance of annex F.

This project is due for review in 2019. The meeting discussed possible areas for revision. Ultan Henry mentioned that an identifier for an AES31-3 ADL list listed in clause still needed a clear definition. The standard requires a SMPTE label which has not been registered. As a result, some implementers have used a random string to fill this identifier. It was proposed that a registry value be obtained by the time of the spring Convention, or some other approach explored.

Henry also suggested that the standard be expande to include provision for higher sampling frequencies and video frame rates. The current standard includes provision for double the basic sampling frequency, however AES5-2008 also includes quadruple and octuple multiples. SMPTE is understood to be working on timecode variants for frame rates above 30 frames per second. Henry and Brooks Harris agreed to put together a proposal for development. It is understood that unused characters in the existing signalling scheme in AES31-3 are scarce, and it will be important not to create compatibility conflicts with the XML implementation in AES31-4.


No new liaison information

New projects

No new projects were proposed.

New business

No new business was proposed.

The next meeting will be scheduled in conjunction with the AES 146th Convention, to be held March 2019 in Dublin, Ireland.